🌍 TAM - Total Addressable Market / $60.73Bn ARR / 100% of the Market

<aside> 🎯 Currently, we have accomplished 0.0000577% of our objective.


According to Picker's business model, we aim to earn around 5% on the total market value of the rapidly growing delivery industry, specifically the restaurant-to-consumer, online pharmacy, and online supermarket sectors. Industry estimates suggest that these three markets are expected to reach a combined total of $1,214.53bn by 2027, with an average revenue per User (ARPU) of $518.13 by that time.

Based on this model, Picker's total addressable market (TAM) for the delivery industry would be $60.73bn, which is 5% of the expected total market value in 2027.

Restaurant Delivery - Worldwide | Statista Market Forecast

Grocery Delivery - Worldwide | Statista Market Forecast

Online Pharmacy - Worldwide | Statista Market Forecast

πŸ—ΊοΈ SAM - Serviceable Available Market - $1.22Bn ARR / 2% of the Market

<aside> 🎯 Currently, we have accomplished 0.05% of our objective.


As a Latin American-based company, we recognize the unique opportunities and challenges presented by the rapidly growing delivery market in the region. We aim to leverage our in-depth knowledge of the Latin American ecosystem to capture a significant share of this market. Industry estimates predict that the delivery market in Latin America will reach $24.39bn by 2027. Our serviceable available market (SAM) will be 5% of the total market, or $1.22bn. We aim to capitalize on this growth by offering innovative solutions and excellent service to our customers.

Restaurant Delivery - South America | Market Forecast

Grocery Delivery - South America | Statista Market Forecast

Online Pharmacy - South America | Statista Market Forecast